Deal With the Devil

Its business as usual for crime boss Cain Casey as she maneuvers to form an alliance with the Jatibon organization and secure peace among the ruling families in New Orleans. Cains new associate Remington Jatibon is a lot like Cain used to bea playgirl with a passion forbedding beautiful women and an even greater passion for expanding her fathers empire, on both sides of the law. When Remi meets Dallas Montgomery, a budding actress working for the studio Remis father has just acquired, she finds that there is more to Dallas than is included in her press pages.

Meanwhile, on the home front, life is anything but routine as Cain and Emma hope to conceive another child. Little do they know an old enemy is about to surface bent on revenge on Cain, and what better way than to take what Cain values above all elseher wife.




16 de May de 2008 a las 23:40

I expected a somehow different book, but that's not to say I didn't like it. There is a new prominent character, Remi Jatibon, who I loved since the first words regarding to her. I knew already Emma and Cain and their relationship pretty well, but Remi and Dallas add a fresh air to this book. Pretty good.

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