Focus of Desire

There are times when a picture doesnt just say it allit changes everything.

Isabel Sterling isnt even aware she has been entered in the
Sophisticated Women Watch Your Dreams Come True contest, so it comes
as a complete surprise to learn she has won not only a makeover she
doesnt want or need, plus the chance to appear on the cover of a
national magazine she's never read along with an all-expense paid trip
for two to exotic locales. Photographer Natasha Kashnikova is a cynical
celebrity playgirl who is barreling toward full, midlife-crisis mode
when she agrees to take on the Sophisticated Women shoot as a favor for
a friend. Kash is convinced that every woman who shows an interest in
her has ulterior motives, so love is not on her agendaand certainly
not with some naïve romantic during an assignment from Hell.


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