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    LeNa eres la cosita más PRECIOSA y HERMOSA...!! icon_wink.gif TE AM0..!

    Se vee qe britney ya es una señora--- icon_cool.gif
      Extra! Extra! nuestras niñas vuelven de vacaciones!

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      Todo esta en esta página

      Loq pacha esq ta en ruso, asiq os la pongo en ingles(si hay alguna mañosa en los idiomas...pos q aga el favor d traducirlo jeje)

      Podnebesnaya: realiti- show c "tatu"

      15 September in The podnebesneye hotel "Peking" Ivan shapovalov, bustling it is Volkov and Lena Katina they answered questions of journalists. By the way, "Podnebesnaya" - this completely none not China, but accomodation in the hotel "Peking" with the windows on entire perimeter, from which is opened outstanding view of Moscow. But the object of close attention were, of course, not capital forms, but very participants in the group "tatu" and their producer Ivan shapovalov.

      The beginning of press conference was declared into 18:30. Those, who arrived in time or only earlier, lonely crowded in Hall hotels "Peking". After a lapse of a certain time, to the elevator by load capacity 860 kg, but for some reason contained only six people and a little equipment, grew small turn from those desiring nevertheless to fall on "skies obetovannye", that is to say into The "podnebesnuyu".

      Prior to the beginning of press conference to all, as usual, they gave press release. Strictly, on this by all it was possible to disperse through the houses, since anything essential to that already unsealed on three leaflets trinity did not add, in my view, several moments were interesting. A question, truth whether, that the girls intend to marry in Holland, they answered by friendly laughter and advised to read more serious newspapers. But when "tatushek" asked, they are collected to finally open to peace the names of their boyfriends, Lena was silent, and bustling she said: "it is later". To questions, that Ivan shapovalov thinks about the stormy judicial activity of Helen kiper, it answered, that to it thus far there is no matter whatever and generally, it greatly it it loves, but it, in all likelihood, its love for the project and personally to Shapovalovu otherwise as through the law court appear it cannot. Under the curtain of entire this confused and incomprehensible deystva the worshipper of the creation of group "tatu" first whether from Switzerland, then whether from Belgium through perevodchitsu assigned to girls the question, when they will be in Europe, and it asked them to ripen. Lena and bustling to obnadezhili of foreigner, after saying that they will be in Europe very soon. But here to ripen did not come out. Ivan shapovalov, after giving its agreement, for long and expressively looked at the girls. Bustling it unlocked and it was capricious. There was such impression, that for journalists it was necessary three times to say: "Well- kA, fir tree, light up!" or to call: "snow maiden!", as on the children"s morning frost.

      Under the views of their producer the girls like even agreed to ripen, but on condition that entire journalistic fraternity will join in singing to them. It was not necessary to for long entreat journalists, but song so not kishes. It proved to be, girls did not know any of the songs proposed by them: neither "Oy, frost, frost" nor song from the "Bremen musicians". So that living concert did not succeed.

      Well, and now a little about that, for what, the press conference strictly and was started. First, To "tatu" they be going to write the second album here in this "Podnebesnoy itself", which now is in the state of repair. The process of the record of album enterprising "tatu" decided to convert in the realiti- show, about which narrower there are understandings with the Japanese television channel. By the way, 2 compositions from this album are already recorded and selected are somewhat text.

      But from December 2003 group To "tatu" begins its world tour. 1 and on 2 December concerts take place in Tokyo on area by the capacity of 43 000 people. Major portion of the show will be realized on six large screens, which surround scene on top and on the side. This the largest screens in the world - two thirds of football field on the area - in regard to this already takes shape claim into the Guinness book of records. Which will be transmitted on these megas-screen, it will be known for the fact, who will arrive at the show. Concert will be played vzhivuyu, the songs of girl will carry out both in the Russian and in Englishes.

      After concerts in Japan To "tatu" they will continue world tour in China, Russia, Europe and in Latin America: Brazil, Columbia, To Mexico, Peru.

      But in the spring of 2004 in the plans "tatu" the creation of 1.5-hour full-length cartoon on the mixed technology (animation and documentary cinema) with the participation of Lena bustle be produced film it will be in Russia, and premier demonstration will pass simultaneously in Russia and Japan.

      This is what a so-called expert had to say:

      It seems to me that no world tour "tatu" it shines brightly. Yes, concerts in Japan most likely will become superuspeshny - in this country occurs present hysteria to the on- occasion of Russian duet. It seems to me that this hysteria in many respects is explained by the similarity of stage means To "tatu" to the traditional Japanese culture of khentai - static risovannykh mul"tikov. What China -, most likely, To "tatu" there simply they will not release. This will be remarkable occasion for the attraction one additional portion of world attention to the group. What Europe and Russia - i have doubts about the fact that someone still awaits "tatu" in these regions. The reaction of public to the appearance of girls in Moscow tells me, that in Russia there are at least four groups, which the public assumes better: this "SMASH!!", "Viagra", "disk library is emergency" and "guests from the future". I think, they do not lag behind them and "hand upward!" So that ancient thesis about the fact that the group To "tatu" in the West where is more popular than in Russia, no one abolished.

      Old lady Europe already saw appearances "tatu" and will hardly want to see this again - the first interest of propal. What Latin America - I will say nothing. I do not know.

      Is certain, this affair of Vanya shapovalov and his artists, but it seems to me that "tatu" it would not prevent from being concentrated on the record of new material, this should be made already long ago. If to the new year of new album To "tatu" with the material as the minimum not worse than that it was on the first album (and authors of which are forever lost for the group) - about the group "tatu" can be will be forgotten. Priest- phenomenon by priest- phenomenon, but to that it and priest- phenomenon in order to live bright, but brief life.
        Aki os dejo otras

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          icon_eek.gif vaya vaya con el nuevo corte de q se fuera a la mili,se lo a rapao jajajajajajaja juaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas icon_cool.gif gusta megusta jajaja esos cambios de look jeje icon_lol.gif ..nena,no lo copies q io se que tu eres muy propensa a cortarte er pelo eh? icon_rolleyes.gif
            jue...yo lo he pasao x un traductor xo..igualmente no m he enterao d nada... muy raro lo k he leido....
              icon_biggrin.gif Veeengaaa...!! icon_wink.gif vendran a America Latina y pasaran aqi a MÉXICO...!! gracias por las fotos y la información, WAPÍSIMAA..!! icon_razz.gif
                Inma ha vuelto dance.gif tras 9 dias mala con faringoamigdalitis aguda rolleyes.gif y lo primero q ve es a yulia rapadita. yeah yeah yeah ¡¡¡¡ icon2.gif
                La verdad esq no parece un pelado un tanto proporcionado headscratch.gif , parece mas bien salida de una enfermedad icono3.gif7 . Yo aora estoy por hacerme el pelado de pink asi to corto por dtras music.gif02 y su cresta parriba......xq yo lo valgo divina.gif .

                cuñadoooooooooo icono29.gif
                  A ver si alguien puede traducir lo de la page anterior del inglés icon_confused.gif
                  Tengan compasión, es q no entiendo na icon_rolleyes.gificon_sad.gif
                  Muchas gracias
                    No se vosotras...pero si se obseva detenidamente la ultima foto de la pagiana 29...parece q julia lleva un chupeton icon_eek.gif ...o lo he flipado(me habre confundio y me he tomao las pastillas de la abuela)....ClerOpatra...sacame de dudas....busca,busca mas evidenciasss...eso es q Lenita no es tan buena como la pintan icon_twisted.gif
                      poooooooos yo diria que lo es...amos porque un moradito ahí no puede ser q un chupeton...porqueeee no creo q se haya dao un golpe jajjaja!! ains....esta lena.....quien sabe lo mala q es icon_twisted.gif
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                        Bueno, estas son otras fotos de la rueda de prensa del lunes, las he sacado de q hoy dice q Lena está embarazada. No suelo creer las cosas q dicen por ahí pero si alguien sabe si está page es fiable o no, le agradecería un montón q me lo dijera.
                          Weeeeeeeeee os traigo mas fotillosssssssss de la Julia con su caxo mexa rosa

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                          Yo no creo q sea una mecha, parece q lo tiene rapao y luego teñio no?
                            icon_rolleyes.gif eso del embarazo de lena... NO lo creo..! pero OS prometo qe ahorita mismo me pongo a buscar información acerca de eso icon_evil.gif
                              Para qienes qieran un poco de la traducción de la información sobre la pasada rueda de prensa qe ofreció tATu encontrada por la wapísima CLER icon_wink.gif en mi comunidad he traducido icon_wink.gif


                              Os pongo la dirección por si alguna de vosotras qiere ver..!
                                Se q esta foto no viene a cuento...con relacion a las q esta poniendo la CleOpatra...jejeje.

                                Pero me ha resultao de lo mas curiosa.

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                                Y un clasico..pero es q me encantaaaa.

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