fandoms | Publicado el 10-03-2006 18:03:25 |
rapanui | Publicado el 10-03-2006 20:03:34 |
Pinta bien esta peli. Ojala la podemos ver cuanto antes | |
gingicer2005 | Publicado el 10-03-2006 20:03:55 |
¡Mierda! A mí no se me ha descargado y no he podido ver el avance de la peli... Espero que alguien ponga otro enlace. Por cierto, chicas, ¿cómo os enteráis de estas cosas tan pronto? Sois unas cracks... | |
xinyta | Publicado el 09-04-2006 20:04:37 |
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pues creo que a mi si que me va a gustarrrrrrrrrr ![]() |
ilex | Publicado el 11-04-2006 13:04:41 |
¿Sabéis qué día exactamente se estrena en Estados Unidos? ¿Cuánto creéis que tardará en llegar a España? |
labrys86 | Publicado el 11-04-2006 17:04:16 |
Gingicer2005 Wrote:¡Mierda! A mí no se me ha descargado y no he podido ver el avance de la peli... Espero que alguien ponga otro enlace. Por cierto, chicas, ¿cómo os enteráis de estas cosas tan pronto? Sois unas cracks... |
ilex | Publicado el 02-05-2006 10:05:16 |
¿Pero tenéis una idea un poco exacta de cuándo llega la peli a España?? Deciís que en USA se estrena este verano, pero no entiendo una cosa,¿os referiís a los cines convencionales de cualquier ciudad?? Porque yo he leído que la peli se estrenó este mes de abril pero en certámenes de cine homosexual... Podéis explicarme alguna, qué pasa con la dichosa peli, y si hay alguna posibilidad de que nos llegue en castellano!!!!!!!!!!! |
lustra | Publicado el 02-05-2006 22:05:46 |
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Esta fue la respuesta de la productora de Loving Anabelle, a mi pregunta de cuando estrenarían la peli en españa... "Not sure when it will be in Spain, but check back on the web site because we will be selling DVD"s in the near future. Thanks!!!!" Paciencia chicas !!! |
myrine | Publicado el 03-05-2006 14:05:31 |
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He visto el trailer y un pequeño fragmento de la película y la verdad es que tengo muchísimas ganas de que la estrenen, aunque parece ser que aún tardará un poco... La tensión se podía cortar con un cuchillo. Por cierto, estoy enganchadísima a la canción que aparece en el trailer, es preciosa ![]() [ img ] |
ilex | Publicado el 05-05-2006 10:05:18 |
Creo que tengo buenas noticias, pero no sé si será cierto del todo. Hace un par de días contacté yo también con la productora(supongo),porque en la web oficial de la peli hay una opción para escribir mails.Bueno, hoy me han contestado diciéndome que EN OCTUBRE LLEGARÁ A ESPAÑA!!!! Podíais alguna hacer la prueba y escribir también un e-mail a ver si os contestan lo mismo que a mi. chaoo,besitos.[b] |
lustra | Publicado el 05-05-2006 17:05:32 |
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Buah !!! Eso sería genial, una buenísima noticia... al igual hemos sido muchas las q hemos preguntado a la productora y se han puesto las pilas vista la demanda !!! Bien bien bien !!! | |
lunita | Publicado el 10-05-2006 10:05:13 |
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Por lo que he visto estoy deseando que la estrenen aqui!!! a ver si es en octubre como decís | |
labrys86 | Publicado el 10-05-2006 22:05:42 |
Q ganas de ver la peliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!! me mueroooo xq la echen en Españaaaa yaaa ![]() |
belenchi10 | Publicado el 15-05-2006 13:05:19 |
The sensational aspects of the lesbian student-teacher relationship at the center of Loving Annabelle by Katherine Brooks are mitigated by treating the relationship as an emotional coming-of-age of the older woman. Brooks does not cheaply depict Simone (Diane Gaidry) as the older seductress who takes advantage of her nave, underage student Annabelle (Erin Kelly). Brooks tells a complex story not only by having Annabelle seduce her teacher, but also by making the sexual component of the relationship secondary to the emotional catharsis that it provides for Simone. At the beginning of the film, Simone and Annabelle are depicted as opposites. Simone constantly has a concerned look on her face with a prominent furrow between her eyebrows. She follows the conduct code of the school and warns Annabelle that Mother Emaculata would not like to see Annabelles nose ring. Annabelle smokes a cigarette as soon as she is dropped off at the schools campus. She wears Buddhist prayer beads that she refuses to take off and flatly states that she is not Catholic. From the outset, Annabelle is portrayed as the rebel and Simone as the rule-follower. As the film progresses, information surfaces that belies Simones current behavior. Simone complains to Mother Emaculata (Ileen Graff) that she cannot control Annabelle. Mother Emaculata tells Simone that if she managed to control Simone in the past, then Simone could control Annabelle now. Reference to Simones rebellious past as a student at the high school where she now teaches continues when Father Harris (Kevin McCarthy) informs Simone that he knew it was she who had stolen the wine. Far from being the opposite of Annabelle, Simone is a kindred spirit who has now become straight-laced. Though Annabelle is 15 years younger than Simone, she seems much more comfortable with herself and her lot in life. When her mother, who is a powerful senator, drops her off at the school, Annabelle is treated curtly and without affection. Mother Emaculata is told via telephone to keep Annabelle from calling her mother. During Spring Break, all of the students leave campus with their parents except Annabelle, who has been left by herself for the week. Despite this lack of care from her mother, Annabelle seems well-adjusted and not bitter. She never worries and is at peace with her distance from her mother. Simone, in contrast, is in uncomfortable positions with both her boyfriend and her aunt and former teacher Mother Emaculata. When her boyfriend Michael (Markus Flanagan) presses her to stop living at the school dormitory and to move in with him, she declines, but cannot give a good reason why. Simone cannot make the decision to move forward in her relationship, but is not happy where she is now. When she and Michael have sex, she is clearly unsatisfied. When they go out with friends, she puts on a false smile as others celebrate another couples renewing their vows. But, Simone does not make any changes to her relationship with Michael or their friends. Similarly, Simone has been in a holding pattern in her relationship with Mother Emaculata for decades. Even as a teacher, Simone is still treated as a student. When Simone comes home late from her date, she sneaks past Mother Emaculatas door barefoot, like an errant teenager. Simones decision to stay at her old high school seems more egregious when she and Annabelle visit Simones home by the sea. Simones passion for photography and financial ability to quit teaching become clear. Despite Simones avenues to leave teaching or at least stop living at the school, Simone continues to stay. Unlike Simone, who seems frozen in behavior and emotion, Annabelle is confident and comfortable with the status of her relationship with her mother and with her sexuality. Annabelle makes sexual comments in English class and plainly comes out to her roommates as a lesbian. The Buddhist prayer beads she wears are a parting gift from her last love. Simone also wears a necklace that belonged to her past girlfriend, but she keeps the memory of their relationship otherwise hidden. She keeps her photos of her past girlfriend in a trunk. Simones discomfort with emotional expression and possibly her sexual orientation put Annabelle in the position of pursuer. Annabelle makes all the overt acts of expressing romantic interest in the beginning of her relationship with Simone. Annabelle sends Simone flowers during class. Annabelle enters Simones quarters to talk to her when she is not supposed to. Annabelle tries to touch Simone when they are in public even though Simone brushes her away. Annabelle from the get-go knows what she wants and Simone becomes the quarry. The film is clearly constructed so that Simone is the reluctant love interest of an aggressive student. During Spring Break, Simone breaks the rules and drives Annabelle off-campus to her beach house. This episode on the surface can be construed as the older woman secluding her younger quarry, but their trip is preceded by a scene in which Simone smokes a cigarette that Annabelle offers her, only to have to put it out immediately when someone walks by. When Simone and Annabelle leave the constricted atmosphere of the school, it is for Simones benefit and not Annabelles. Annabelle is actually comfortable, smoking on the lawn, playing her guitar, and writing songs. Simone clearly needs to get away, and not to further her relationship with Annabelle, but just to breathe. Their relationship is given weight when Annabelle helps Simone deal with the suicide of her former girlfriend. Though Simone physically fights Annabelle, Annabelle manages to embrace Simone and allow her to cry the tears that she has been holding at bay. Annabelles emotional maturity lends credibility to her relationship with an older woman. At this point, when they sleep together, they simply sleep next to one another on top of the covers with their clothes on. By first establishing an emotional connection based on Annabelles ability to support Simone, Brooks further distances the relationship from a simple seduction story. Annabelle is already a comfortable lesbian, so she is not being awakened by a sexual relationship with Simone. She, in fact, awakens Simone to her latent emotions regarding her former girlfriend. When they finally sleep together, it happens after Simones emotional transformation. The center of the story is that their relationship makes Simone whole again. The facts that Simone and Annabelle have an age difference, that one is in a position of power and the other underage, or that both are women are not focused on nearly as much as Simones constant discomfort in her relationships and emotional inaccessibility. Fuente: |
liadth | Publicado el 15-05-2006 23:05:30 |
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Hola, Si quieres puedo traducirlo, pero necesitaría un par de días, tengo mucho trabajo ![]() |