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    se me habia olvidado publicar esta noticia,q vá antes de la anterior,esta en ingles,pero mas o menos dice lo de la nueva cancion grabada cn trozos de anatomy of tatu,y algo mas x hay q me dejo en el tintero:

    ----27 Febrary 2004/ Tatu will show the forbidden clip----

    The series will use material rejected by producer Ivan Shapovalov Tomorrow"s episode of "Tatu in Podnebesnaya" on channel STS will dot the i"s. (phrase for "explain things") Several weeks ago in reply to a question about how the series would end, the director of the show Vitaly Mansky only shrugged and said: "I"m more likely to predict the end of times than what the participants of this show will do." A couple of days before the end of the show, the answer to this question is barely clearer. "We will show to Ivan Shapovalov the video of a song recorded by the girls in "Podnebesnaya"," the director declared. Material from the documentary "Anatomy of Tatu" has been used to create the video of the song. More precisely, the material that Shapovalov had forbidden to include in this sensational film for unclear reasons."After all those events, maybe Ivan will react positively, but it could also be the opposite. In any case, spectators will see it all. They will also see the discussion about the future of the band." "What about the promised album from Tatu?" I asked the director. "Yes, we said that the new album will be released on 14 March. If everything goes well, it will actually happen." "And if it"s not the case?" "Then on 14 March we will show a Tatu "virtual world tour". Why "virtual"? Because material from last year"s world tour of the girls will be used. The songs of course will be those from the first album. A retrospective of the group Tatu which no longer exists..
      ya q nadie lo pone,lo pongo yo:

      --Tatu" have left from Shapovalova to Kirkorov--

      Singers from famous duet "Tatu" have broken off the contract with producer Ivan Shapovalovym. Quarrel between them began several weeks ago, and televiewers could see full details of this scandal in realiti-show " Tatu in Podnebesnaya". Now Yulia and Lena search for the new producer. Probably, Phillip Kirkorov will becomes. When "TATU" have started to quarrel with Ivan Shapovalovym under a sight of television cameras very few people has believed in sincerity of this "revolt". All considered, that it is the next advertising course of the talented producer. But Lena Katina and Yulia Volkova really do not want to have anything the general any more with Ivan Shapovalov. Now girls are borrowed with searches of the new producer and are not going to leave from show business. With Phillip Kirkorov "TATU" have made friends on "Eurovision" then the singer has gone on competition in structure " group of support ". Besides Kirkorov already has an experience in this area. His project Anastasiya Stotskaja shout new clips and writes down new hits while under management Shapovalov "Tatu" cannot write down the second album in any way. "t.A.T.u." have addressed to Phillip"s director Leonid Dzjunik and have asked it to become the intermediary in negotiations. Lena and Yulia could not: meet Kirkorov personally as he is very dense tour schedule. For Kirkorov have transferred, that girls want to meet and discuss with it possible co-operation, the newspaper "Life" writes. What answer will be given by Kirkorov while it is not clear. A source: Translated by:

      -Mi ingles no es muy bueno,pero basicamente dice,q tatu finalmente rompió con shapovalov,él está ahora pendiente en un nuevo proyecto q hará junto con una chica.

      Tb acabó el reality show cn tatu por tanto el album no ha sido grabado,solo algunos demos,éstas se despidieron del programa con una nueva cancion,(q no em acuerdo cmo se llamaba) cuyo videoclip está hecho con partes de ANATOMY OF TATU;pero trankilas,q esto no se acaba,lena y yulia tienen pensado seguir cn su carrera musical,para ello han contratado,o tienen pensado contratar a PHILIP KIRKOROV,un experto en showbussiness q se prevee(y todavia no es oficial)q sea su nuevo manager.

      para mas info entrad en,noes un pag oficial,pero es bastante fiable,y siguen al corriente de las chicas todos los dias.
        Entonces.....q ha pasao???

        Q alguien me lo expliqe???

          R E S U M E N___P O N D E B E S N A Y A

          Aer,lo q ha sucedido esq hace una semana o 2 mas o menos,julia discutió con ivan ya q ella decia q ivan se centraba mas en crearles polemica q en su nuevo trabajo,ésto por supuesto creó mal ambiente,y el mal rollo perduró hasta el dia 3 de marzo,cuando por decision unánime,tatu rompió su contrato con ivan y por tanto el reality show terminó.


          -tatu no grabó el album en question,pero dejó unos demos de unas posibles canciones(los demos me parece q ya lo ahn publicado en LL :) )

          -Ivan ahora está pendiente de una nueva chica,para su nuevo poryecto,no sé todavia kien es,solo sé q está grabando un album y q su productor será ivan.

          -Pese a q el reality show ha finalizado,tatu piensa seguir su carrera musical y para ello han contratado(todavia no es oficial) asu nuevo manager,Philip Kirokov,todo un experto en showsbussines.

          -El cambio de manager puede traer consecuencias bastante positivas para las niñas,no sé,tal vez nuevos sonidos,nueva imagen,en fin,nueva "vida musical" de tatu.

          -Lo malo del asunto,esq TATU no pueden seguir identificandose con éste nombre,ya q al ser propiedad de Ivan,y como habia comentado anteriormente,este ya no ´será su manager,tendrán q cambiar el nombre,pero SOLO ESO,cambiar el nombre nada mas.

          Weno,hasta ahora es lo q ha sucedido,no penseis q esto es el fin de tatu,PORQ NO LO ES,lo unico q rompieron con su manager(cmo han hecho otros artistas)contratarán a uno nuevo,y posiblemente cambiarán el nombre.No os desanimeis q tatu sigue¡¡recordad q tienen el pacto con universal music russia durante 3 años¡¡hay tatu pa rato


          PDno.gif se si se me qda algo en el tintero,toda esta info la saqué de ,ahi estan al dia de todo.

            Otra nueva noticia,es buena :)At the end of the article, has added a comment.

            The EXPERT: Maxim Kononenko, a musical observer of the newspaper "Gazeta":

            I don"t think that the Russian public will have any interest in Yulia and Lena if they don"t keep the brand "Tatu" - there are plenty of similar singers. On the other hand, the existence of the brand "Tatu" in the West without Lena and Yulia is impossible. Universal Music are deeply involved in project Tatu, they have invested a lot of money in it - in fact Universal did a lot to promote Tatu in Europe. It turns out that Ivan Shapovalov is superfluous. I think that to preserve their investment Universal Music should take away somehow the name of the group to Shapovalov. I don"t know if this can be done through a mutual agreement, but Shapovalov"s position is now so weak that they can force him to give up the brand. And all will be much easier - Universal will find good musical material and will provide what"s needed to record the second album. That way we"ll get a good pop band which will live five more years quite successfully.

            And about producer Ivan Shapovalov, we have to forget about him. He"s no longer in the picture.

            PDsick.gif alguien lo puede traducir al completo se lo agredeceria de corazon,por lo q he entendido,si ivan y tatu consiguen llegar a un mutuo acuerdo,tatu podria conservar perefectamente su nombre :),ya q,segun dice este comentario,UNVIERSAL MUSIC,ha invertido muchisimo dinero para su trabajo y para su pormocion en europa,,asi mismo,universal music,tb espera promocionar y con muchas gasn el segundo nuevo albmu de ls niñas.


            -si alguien lo puede traducir...pliss icon_rolleyes.gificon_rolleyes.gificon_wink.gif
              ESTE ES UN ESCANDALO,posiblemten sea un rumor bien inventado,tb está en ingles,pero dice lo del supuesto novio de yulia,PASHA,segun el articulo,pasha y yulia se distanciaron,o algo asi,y pasha se juntó con otra chica y tuvieron una niña,yulia no se lo cree y kiere qdarse cn,un rollo aptatero,esq no em enteré bien,si alguien puede traducirlo q lo traduzca,porfi.

              APARECE tb una foto de pasha con su bebé y su mujer,la foto está junto al aritulo en

              aki tá el articulo en cuestion:05 March 2004 Scandal? Yulia Volkova should know that her Boy Friend has a family!

              So beauty Nastja who recently has given birth Pashe to a daughter asserts. But Yulia does not want to trust this...

              » All for a long time know, that at both singers "lesbian" duet "Tatu" is boyfriends. Friend of Yulia Volkova Pasha always aspired to hide from press the attitudes with a celebrity. He told to Yulia, that publicity can damage his work. It was found out later, that at Plough there is a daughter and civil wife Nastja for whom Pasha and observed conspiracy. 21-years Nastja Lazunina and 23-years Pasha Sidorov together five years, writes " the Komsomol truth ". Having left school, Pasha has resulted the girlfriend home and has told to parents that will live with her. Wedding all time was postponed: for that an apartment searched, repair did. When Nastja has become pregnant, Pasha was very glad of this, but has then ceased to spend the night at home, explaining it is changes in the schedule of work.

              Now Polinka seldom sees the daddy. And one year ago, when Pasha took away her with mom from a maternity home, they seem happy family.

              On February, 5, 2003 Nasti"s daughter Polina was born. Happy father met Nastja with the daughter from a maternity home. But once Nastja has seen a photo "boyfriend" of Yulia Volkova and has learned in the young man of the civil husband. Yulia has not believed Nastja"s words that Pashsa has other family and has simply forbidden to it to see the wife and the daughter. Pasha now seldom comes to the Ice crust, but, as she said, assures, that loves only her and the daughter. On a question on with whom lives Pasha, Nastja has answered so: " With me. But still informally. Pasha us provides. But ? I think, if Yulia knew the truth, she would not admit such ? to me is insulting, that it and from Yulia hides the truth, and from me.I would like to talk with Yulia. But I do not know, how it to make. I am surprised, as she yet has not looked his passport, in it our child is written down! I would invite her to myself, let will look video, will be convinced, that at me with Pasha all is very serious! To me and for Yulia it is insulting Better to it to learn the truth now. If it will choose Yulia, I shall not argue. But it does not release me, here in what a problem! And, I think, resolve this situation can only Yulia". Yulia speaks, that with Pasha meets two years, in marriage for him to leave does not gather, and does not trust hearings. To tell the truth, after break of the contract with Ivan Shapovalov to communicate with press she does not wish. Its PR-manager has transferred application of Yulia: she does not wish to make comments on a gossip about her bojfrende and completely trusts to Pasha. Former director of group Leonid Dzjunik does not trust gossips too : " the Situation with the girl naming by the wife Plough, - full lies. Whether she is not enough of that asserts! I now general director Phillip Kirkorov, and I repeatedly should collide on performances with ladies who assure, that at them the child from Phillip. I well know Pasha, we went to Japan together. Pasha the pleasant guy, For Yulia he is very much pleasant. I though have worked with girls three years and I know all about them, but in the given situation I even shall advise nothing - does not cost ". Translation by Source:
                Más o menos pone lo que tu has dicho y que nos olvidemos de Iván (Byshark, ajo y agua xD)
                  Eeeeeeeee eso del michael Jackson lo he dicho yo ¬¬
                    Hablando del nuevo productor, aquí os paso unas imagenes de él... icon_rolleyes.gif

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                    ¿Qué os parece? icon_rolleyes.gificon_confused.gif
                      Santo Paxo bendito!!! icono12.gif

                      Joe,menudo susto que me has dao,*aRaLe*, es por nada,eh?? pero este tio parece el producto del experimento de un revoltillo entre Prince,Alejandro Sanz y Camilo Sesto icono12.gif ...y esa mirada...ufffff...tiene una mirada aznariana icon_eek.gif

                      Mejor no digo mas...que no es bueno juzgar por las apariencias (*aRaLe*,por tu culpa tendre pesadillas...Byshoooooooo!!! dejame quedarme contigo,que este tio me da miedito)
                        Raiza Wrote:este tio parece el producto del experimento de un revoltillo entre Prince,Alejandro Sanz y Camilo Sesto icono12.gif ...y esa mirada...ufffff...tiene una mirada aznariana icon_eek.gif

                        jajaja! yo no lo podría haber descrito mejor! la verdad es que me quedo con ivancin... pero bueno, fijo que con ´éste sigue el espectáculo, solo hay que verlo a él!
                          Raiza!! Creo que le debes echar las culpas a su madre xD y al que lo concibió xD
                            Podríamos hacer un concurso de a ver con quién le encontramos más parecido ¬¬
                              icon_eek.gif Eumm icon_confused.gif no es por nada pero ese tipo parece el productor de malize mizer o de moixdioxmoix supongo que será el hijo prodigo de lareine con kyo o alguno de estos.... No, ya en serio, me parece demasiado extravagante y da la impresion esa del típico productor de grupo gay japo ... bounce.gif no se si será bueno o no para las niñas pero después de lo que ha pasado con ellas y su supuesta "retractación" ( que por cierto si alguien la tiene podría agregarme a su msn o algo y pasarmela o lo que sea... porque realmente solo he escuchado rumores y me gustaría oirlo de su boca... icon_sad.gif ) no creo que más escandalos o extravagancias sean buenas para el mundo lésbico en general,y no solo para el grupo. Dan la impresion para el que no las conoce como es el caso de la mayoria de las madres, de que son inseguras o de que son fases y se les pasará y eso hace mucho daño... y no seré yo la que critique a t.A.T.u. pero hay que reconocer que ciertas actitudes no son adecuadas y no dejarse cegar. Yo siempre lo he dicho como grupo está bien... algo exagerado y para el que esté en el asunto poco creible... pero sus canciones y su actitud ( la actitud descarada y abierta y su forma de tratar la homosexualidad ) son una gran inspiracion y apoyo para mucha gente que no deja de emocionarse con el YSSU por ejemplo...

                              Nuevo productor pos vale.. a ver que pasa pero como vea a yulia corriendo con vestidito gotico azul mana por el escenario montada en monociclo me da icon_evil.gif algoooo icon_evil.gif !!!!! >_<

                              post data llegué un poco tarde creo.. pero la cancion esa que decian que era nueva del grupo el Nichya ( creo que lo he escrito bien :S ) no es nueva es la cancion esa contra las drogas y las mafias no?? ya ne glutayu? ne glutadiem?? algo esí era... "yo no me lo trago" de hace bastante tiempo lo unico que es una version extraña con un tipo cantando por detras... no se..

                              no se que va ha ser de estas dos a ver que tal sale lo del anime lo del tatu paragate y eo los dibujantes y directores son bastante buenos para mi gusto a ver como queda y que es de ellas porque con la propaganda que les estan dando van cada vez mas en picado hacia el fondo del abismo....

                              P.D.: lu siento is me pasao de largo ^^U pa otra vez me pongo ha hacer un resumen esquematico... y no me he presentado antes pero bueno... jejejeje

                              Guerra abierta xenite... icon_twisted.gif
                                último rumor, la verdad es que tiene tela! por lo que he leído en una web (no oficial) hollywood ha ofrecido hacer una pelicula a yulia... atención porque el director sería Quentin Tarantino y los actores... Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, Salma Hayek entre otros!! por lo que se cuenta en la web yulia no lo ha hablado con nadie y quiere tomar la decisión ella sola.

                                Sinceramente, dudo mucho que sea cierto, pero ahí queda dicho.


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