Wall of Silence

It should have been an average bust. Minimal trouble. Minimal backup.

When police detective Foster Everett witnesses the unspeakable, average
becomes deadly. A cover up ensues and Foster begins numbing herself
with alcohol at a neighborhood bar. There she meets Riley Medeiros, the
one person strong enough to hear Foster's painful secret and not turn
away. But like most secrets, Foster's refuse to stay hidden. And like
even the most carefully built walls--walls that Riley effortlessly
seems to breech--the barricades surrounding Foster soon begin to
crumble. Fearing that she's put Riley in danger and fighting against
the powerful attraction growing between them, Foster vows to uncover
the truth. But someone is determined to keep the truth buried, even if
it means silencing Foster and Riley permanently.

Editorial: Bold Strokes Books

Escritora/Escritor: Gabrielle Goldsby




15 de May de 2008 a las 02:41

I seriously recommend this book. I enjoyed greatly reading it and I remember some times when I felt almost breathless...

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