We're All Human

"We're All Human" es un mensaje positivo destinado a cualquier persona que sufre una lucha por ser diferente.

Charity Song ayuda a la juventud LGTB que sufre los abusos en Rusia e intenta ayudar a cambiar las leyes de pena de muerte en todo el mundo para la gente homosexual. El 100% de los ingresos van destinados a organizaciones benéficas LGTB.


Stand beside the one you love
Stand up for who you are and what you believe
I wish they knew the love I always feel
the feeling of you next to me
And if you hear those words of hate, just know
Love knows no colour or gender, love will be itself
Harvey once said "Burst down those closet doors
Once and for all, stand up and start to fight!"

We've stood strong together for the longest time
And we all stand here united as our rainbow flags fly
I can tell you 'It Gets Better' every day of our lives
So stand up proud let's all be human
'Cause love can only be right

We all fight, side by side in life
At home and overseas for what we believe
So many sleep alone under the stars
Without their stories ever being told
The day will come when no labels are required
We'll justify our love and how we're born to live
And one by one we'll challenge every law
And find a way to all be truly free

We've stood strong together for the longest time
And we all stand here united as our rainbow flags fly
I can tell you 'It Gets Better' every day of our lives
So stand up proud let's all be human
'Cause love can only be right

We've stood strong together for the longest time
And we all stand here united as our rainbow flags fly
We can tell you 'It Gets Better' every day of our lives
So stand up proud let's all be human
And love can only be right

We've stood strong together for the longest time
And we all stand here united as our rainbow flags fly
We can tell you 'It Gets Better' every day of our lives
So stand up proud let's all be human
'Cause love can only be right

Creadora/Creador: Georgey Payne

Grupo/Solista: The L Project


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