When the Dancing Stops

Sometimes, there is a fine line between right and wrong, between good
and evil. As lieutenant to the owner of a chain of adult bookstores and
"entertainment centers", Brett Higgins walks that fine line. People
often mistook the tall, broad-shouldered woman for a man, but Storm
never did. She knew right from the start what Brett was, and she liked

The 1st Motor City Thriller featuring Brett Higgins.

Escritora/Escritor: Therese Szymanski




21 de June de 2008 a las 16:53

I must have a weakness for bad girls. But when I read a certain feedback about this book, something like 'meet the good girl in the wrong side' or something like that, I had to buy it. And I wasn't disappointed at all - now I'm looking forward to read more from Brett. Fast-paced and steamy book indeed.

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