Wherever We Are

You'll show me things I've never seen, baby
I tell you lies You've never heard
I feel for you but what does it mean, baby
You want me too, but I never learn

Cuz you and me
We will see
We can go so far

After the day we're chasing the sun
Farther away the faster we run
Feet on the ground our heads in the stars
Finding the sound wherever we are

I'll take you where you've never been, baby
If you just show me which way to go
Just like before we can begin, baby
Just like before, except now we know

Cuz you and me
We will see
We can go so far

After the day we're chasing the sun
Farther away the faster we run
Feet on the ground our heads in the stars
Finding the sound wherever we are

Just something to hold to
Anything that you do
Believe me, it's all we have

Cuz you and me
We will see
We can go so far

After the day we're chasing the sun
Farther away the faster we run
Feet on the ground our heads in the stars
Finding the sound wherever we are


Directora/Director: Dan Brophy

Grupo/Solista: Human Life

Van Der Chys---
Talia Zucker---




10 de January de 2011 a las 10:19

pastelillo melifluo.....me recordó todo el tiempo a tatto, y eso que hace años...no se evoluciona???


9 de January de 2011 a las 12:46

Fresme he pensado lo mismo nada más empezar el video y sin ver tu comentario ;-))


5 de January de 2011 a las 15:52

ya se que es mi obsesión particular; otra vez una rubia y una morena!


3 de January de 2011 a las 14:16

Que potitoooo

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