On Me

On Me

Harrowed the light I could face the bulb
I’m on a tide like a perished boat
And I’d keep you mine in a phasing tone
Carrying my lies like an Aeolus son

I wanted time, I could’ve faired the rope
Keeping alive all the parables
I want to have all what’s left to go
Saving a life I can’t bare to show

Don’t rely on me

If I put a fight I could save the show
It’s over now you can take your stuff
I want to have all what’s left to go
Keeping the lies on the fair, the low

Don’t rely on me

I’ve been told to cause no trouble
I’ve been told
“too caught in time”
I’ve been told: don’t fight
I feel numb, numb, fine
I’d been told

Don’t rely on me

Grupo/Solista: St Woods

Productora/Productor: La Breve Historia

Directora creativa: La Breve Historia

Anna Castillo ---
Greta Fernández ---


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